• Kevin M Stewart
    The American Lung Association and the National Center for Healthy Housing have released a policy brief to raise awareness about the issue of radon in rental properties and encourage local and state officials to implement recommended policies to reduce radon-caused lung cancer in the United States.

    The policy brief, titled Radon Risk Reduction Strategies in Rental Housing: Opportunities to Strengthen State and Local Policies (https://www.lung.org/getmedia/7431af99-c398-4777-aae6-888933e3e617/Radon-Risk-Reduction-Strategies-in-Rental-Housing.pdf and attached), highlights the need for additional state and local requirements to protect people who live in rental properties from radon. The report finds that while there has been an increase in federal action to address radon in rental properties in recent years, those policies only cover a fraction of the 48 million rental properties nationwide.

    The recommended components for state and local policy action to protect tenants from radon-caused lung cancer include:
    • Requiring disclosure to tenants of known radon levels and a warning statement of potential radon risks.
    • Requiring radon testing according to national standards in 100% of ground-contact units and not less than 10% of all upper floor units.
    • Requiring radon testing be performed by credentialed radon measurement professionals.
    • Requiring mitigation in rental housing when radon levels are found to exceed EPA’s action level.

    Please share this resource with your networks. We will look forward to continuing our work with the NRAP Leadership Council to address this critical health equity issue.
    Radon Risk Reduction Strategies in Rental Housing_FINAL (507K)
  • Jeff Miner
    It's always good to hear your analysis. I'm struggling to get my city (South Lake Tahoe), county (El Dorado), and state (California) to give a rip about radon, much less adopting Appendix F of the IRC as part of their building code. We have an affordable housing project going up as we speak with "vapor barriers and vented crawl spaces" as their preferred radon preventative measures. As I go about my seemingly lonely attempt the to make radon progress here in the West, I wonder if you knew of a list of cities, counties, and states which have adapted Appendix F as part of their building code that I could point to. Also, if anyone in AARST or ALA wants to work with me to get California on board, I would love to talk to them.

    Jeff Miner
    Radon At Tahoe
  • Kevin M Stewart
    Hello Jeff,
    Sorry I missed your initial posting.
    I am not aware of a comprehensive up-to-date listing of all jurisdictions that have adopted Appendix F. One good reference for state laws is the Environmental Law Institute's posting at https://www.eli.org/buildings/radon-control-new-home-construction
    There are also some localities than have moved in this direction, ranging from
    https://www.manheimtownship.org/1204/Radon-Mitigation-Systems (just up the road from where I live) to more western places such as https://www.fcgov.com/building/pdf/appendixf.pdf and https://www.ci.wheatridge.co.us/280/Adopted-Codes-Amendments
    Even though there aren't that many places that have adopted this voluntary appendix as a new-construction requirement, the point is that it's not an earth-shattering thing to have done. I haven't heard of any issues arising in places that have adopted Appendix F. It appears to be accepted as just one other thing on the list of code items to check off.
    I am happy to work with any Lung Association staff who has the bandwidth to devote time to working for the adoption of radon reduction policy measures, but I do recognize that local priorities are not dictated by me. Similarly, I am sure that AARST would be happy to support local membership working on state and local policy development.
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