Please join the American Lung Association for a FREE webinar to learn about the importance of incorporating radon awareness and interventions into Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans. The webinar will feature an overview of radon, an example of a Cancer Control Plan that incorporates radon, and a personal story from a lung cancer survivor / patient advocate. The target audience for this webinar is those involved in comprehensive cancer control plans and coalitions.
Featured Presenters:
• Bruce Snead - Director Emeritus, Engineering Extension at Kansas State University
• Lisa Morris, MPH - Public Health Consultant, Ohio Department of Health
• Rachael Malmberg - Patient Advocate
Please share this message and/or the attached flyer with anyone who might be interested in attending. If you have any questions, contact Tiffany Belser at tiffanydotbelseratlungdotorg .
10-24-23 Radon Webinar - Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans - Flyer(36K)