radon testing in an hour We use the radon eye to determine mitigation worker exposure to radiation during the time we are setting up protection for workers (introducing outside air) to their workplace. Many mitigation company's could get themselves in some significant financial trouble if they are not tracking worker exposure from a NORM (Canada) or TERANORM (US) and get a claim later down the road they have no defense.
As an Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) i would never use or defend using a 1 hr test to determine annual radon exposure. But i can defend using a 1 hr test to defend what a workers exposure is during that 1 hour. Otherwise the rules say i must record the highest number for entire period worker is exposed. Radiation safety always wants us to reduce worker exposure to as low as possibly achievable (ALARA). Most work days i am able to reduce recorded worker exposure number by 1-10 x.
For example: A home is recorded at 3000 Bq and we work on site for 5 hours without radon eye we would have to record 15000 Bq.hrs as the worker exposure, but because we record it using radon eye 1 hr at 3000 Bq =3000 <a href="http://Bq.hr" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Bq.hr</a> and 4hrs at 30 Bq = 120 Bq.h totals to 3120 Bq.hrs of exposure that day for that worker. that is a reduction of recorded exposure of 4.8 times. This also defends that we are using a method to reduce worker exposure ( introducing outside air) this means we are proving in our paperwork that we are successfully attempting to protect our workers from a radiation source.
Doing testing for worker exposure (and reducing that level) always makes the clients know we believe in protection from the radiation from radon (I only use the term radiation when talking to client) even when introducing outside air when it is -20 outside.
We also use baseline number to compare to under slab grab sample (using a GM 1-2) if sub slab levels are not 10 times the in house sample we know we have to look for significant openings if they are 20 -100 times we know slab is very tight.
Grab sampler is my best friend, to convert the reluctant spouse/partner to a radon advocate, show them a 22,000 Bq sub slab they instantly "get" what we are doing is important, to their families health and they are now quite willing to "go after" their friends to test for radioactivity from radon in their homes.
Use the science to create trust, people buy and recommend based on trust.