
  • new post notifications
    OK, I've now done that... Some thoughts:
    - Dallas may want to add what you just wrote (quite clear, but it took me a while to find where the stars were) to his instruction over on the "To Receive Email Notices of List Serv Posts" discussion if it's necessary for folks to get emails
    - This works for existing threads, but if someone starts a new discussion (which of course we hadn't seen before and so hadn't bookmarked), I'm afraid that Chrystine and I would have the same concern: The only way to know about that discussion would be if we "tuned in."
    - If there's a one-stop way to opt in to "Email me everything that's posted" that would be ideal. If we have to take time to tune in, it will mean some folks will be missing from the discussion who otherwise might have seen what was being discussed and contributed.
  • new post notifications
    Hi Nicole,
    I am in agreement with Chrystine about the advantage of an email notification.
    Problem is that I have everything checked on topics and profile preferences, but still don't seem to be seeing anything in my email yet. Maybe if you reply here I'll also see a "notice in my inbox" too.
    If there is some way to keep an email provider from filtering out list mail as spam (if that's what's happening) that would be good to learn about as well.

Kevin M Stewart

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