• Slate tile and antique radios as a radon source?
    I was part of an effort to decontaminate and release a 30’ by 60’ building use to store old, mostly military, airplane gauges and radios. In addition to radon gas there was a lot of particulate radium contamination, mostly from leaking gauges, although some of the radios also leaked flakes of paint containing radium. You did not mention if the radios at your site were civilian or military. Military radios would be of more concern. Some of the radios we saw had toggle switches with a small glass ball at the tip. Break one of those and you would need to hire a consultant for the clean up. Once you buy an inexpensive radiation meter, if you see dose-rates over a few times background, you might want to contact your states Radiation Control office for an evaluation.
    Minnesota Department of Health Radiation Control
    625 Robert Street North
    PO Box 64975
    St. Paul, MN 55164-0975
    Phone: 651-201-4545
    Fax: 651-201-4606
    Email: (Radioactive Materials Unit)

Gary McCahill

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